川田まみ masterpiece mp3
1. masterpiece 試聴する
2. jellyfish 試聴する
3. masterpiece (instrumental) 試聴する
4. jellyfish (instrumental) 試聴する
1. masterpiece (プロモーションビデオ)
don’t turn your head to look at your foot. When you return to the starting
position, look straight ahead. Feel your neck stretching and twisting.
Alternating shoulders, do this exercise six to eight times with each shoulder,
pause to rest, and then do another six to eight repetitions with each shoulder.
The Big Ease
Are the exercises in the workout up to this point leaving you sore or tired?
Leave it to the Big Ease to iron out your kinks and help you relax. We call it
the Big Ease because it’s easy to do and it eases your body. The exercise
relaxes your hips and stretches all the muscles in the side of your trunk and
torso. It also lengthens your quadriceps muscles and releases tension in your
hips, neck, and shoulders. You’ll enjoy breathing more fully into your chest
and lungs as you do this exercise; just don’t fall asleep!
You need one hand weight and both ankle weights for this exercise. After you
grab the necessary weights, follow these steps:
1. Sit in a cross-legged position with your feet pulled in and the ankle
weights resting on your inner thighs.
Resting the weights on your inner thighs helps loosen and warm your
thighs and anchor your legs. Your ankles should be aligned with your
heels, one heel placed right in front of the other and right in front of
your pubic bone. Make sure your spine is erect.
If you can’t sit cross-legged because you feel tight, sit on a pillow or
folded-up mat. Doing so relaxes your inner-thigh area and allows your
knees to rest more comfortably.
2. Grab the hand weight with your left hand, and place your right hand
on the floor for support (see Figure 9-5a).
This is the starting position. Center your shoulders over your hips.
3. Inhaling to a count of four, lift your left hand over the crown of your
head as you feel the side of your body stretching; look toward your
right side and gently look down (see Figure 9-5b).
Stretch as far as you can with the side of your body without turning your
shoulders or leaning forward.
In this position, you can really feel the advantage of doing yoga with
weights, because the weight permits you to stretch farther.
Don’t rush during this exercise. Move the weight slowly without throwing
it over your head. You don’t want the weight to stretch you too far.
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