Japanese food is the highest realm of sushi, detailed point, called Edo sushi. Whether eating environment, tool use, subtle and delicate form of performance, ingredients and taste reflects the elegant spirit.
Some time ago the network to spread a message, very humorous, said Wuhan government introduced a policy of real estate, in order not to call the common people have the psychological gap, social class differences in sensation, so cancel government cheap housing, leaving only the commercial housing. I am not the government through mail, so I don't know the news is it right? Really, but ignore the class or differences or itself, is a kind of ridiculous behavior.
I have a woman as many women would often say some very, very vain shock. Often in various places with me bragging about how she's popular. The man is to follow in her ass. Or a nightclub, a Shanghai man after her and asked her to go to Shanghai the best Japanese restaurant for dinner, her anxious, back they said, eat Japanese food? I have to go to Japan to eat. Shanghai will have delicious Japanese food? This sentence, if not from her mouth out becomes more real. Shanghai does not have any delicious Japanese cuisine, usually I only to Ren Qing, where the lights dim very low-key, egg light down I look thinner. Is it good? Shanghai cuisine is light than many, and that. What the local dishes in that place, it is the everlasting truth.
Edo Sushi
Some famous predecessors that Japanese cuisine is the highest realm of tempura. I don't want to. I still think that Japanese cuisine is the highest realm of sushi, written in detail, called Edo sushi. Whether eating environment, tool use, subtle and delicate form of performance, ingredients and taste reflects the elegant spirit. How do you eat sushi? To pick up the chopsticks down in front of sushi, sushi folder, called side dipped in soy sauce, the last in your mouth, chew. Of course, with their hands up, dipped in soy sauce into mouth nor rude practices, it is traditional. Don't point wasabi, people has a good point. Then, although they do not say, I think you are. If love to eat sushi, to understand the top sushi, light to see this article is not enough, but also in accordance with article introduction to try. Syllogism, eat three times. The three foundation is said to be from a girl into a woman. Sushi, where to eat? Tokyo sushi, that is" producing area". Top" regions" in Tokyo's Ginza, here are the basic "one village".
Conversely, go to Tokyo to eat what? I think that is the Edo sushi and rice eel, coupled with the furnace end burning is us this time of three groups of weekend food. If we do not go to the nightclub was Joseph around, would rather eat meal top and bovine teppanyaki.
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